Building Tomorrow's Future

"The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow"

- Nelson Mandela -

Creating A Level Playing Field

Mugeni Montage is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at helping young people from underprivileged backgrounds to invest in their skills and talents from an early age. Mugeni supports its members through various programmes, activities and training opportunities.

The charity offers support to the community with various initiatives, such as helping its members gain knowledge and skills for the working world, set up businesses, providing general mentoring for young people, running out-of-school provisions for young children - provisions which relate to both educational achievement and leisure, and other community-focused activities and events.


Mugeni is making great efforts in building better opportunities for young people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds in the UK.

The charity has extended its support to the orphaned and neglected children on the streets of the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa. The country faces an epidemic of sexual violence, which affects the most vulnerable young girls. Young boys are being forcibly recruited by criminal gangs and there's no care for these children because their parents are no longer alive in many cases.

Though they may have lost so much already in life, they do not have to lose their future too. Their past cannot be changed, nor can the traumas they've had to face at such a young age be erased, however they can certainly live a happier life. Mugeni has made it its mission to help neglected children lead a brighter future!

Support Our Cause


Sponsor A Child

Help an abandoned child to be removed from the street and be given the gift of hope and a better future

Sponsor The Build

Help us build street children a permanent home and provide them with life's basic necessities, including free education



Maria is 9 years old and she would like to go to school to have a good future.


Christian is 10 years old and he would like to finish his studies.


Miriam is 9 years old and she needs help with school fees.

Click below to watch their full story